What's happening around AARG?

AllStarLink has recently been added and is running along side of EchoLink through the 64 repeater. You will find some hyperlinks with instructions for both link systems on the revised Our Systems page along with node commands.

Everyone is cordially invited to participate in of our weekly information net, held at 8 pm every Sunday night, on our 146.640- MHz. tone 82.5 Hz. AA3RG Repeater.

We invite you to join us, for our business meetings held the third Thursday of the month, 6:30 PM, at Heisey's Dinner, on Route 72 north of Lebanon, September through June.

AARG Photos

For those of you that are, or have been a member of AARG, I'm sure you have some pictures floating around the shack somewhere. If you do, we would like to chat with you.

Why you may ask? The short story is that we are looking to share them on this site. If you have pics to share, drop an email to info at aa3rg dot org and someone will contact you. If you can't scan them, I'm sure we can make some kind of arrangements to borrow them long enough to make a copy.

Wanted: A few good OP's!

Ever thought about being Net Control? It's really not as tough as it seems. Not just that we provide you with everything you need. The only way to find out if you have what it takes is to try. Interested? Contact: info at aa3rg dot org

What would you do?

In todays age, are we allowing opportunities to just pass us by? Sometimes we become complacent in the fact that what we have works. Fantastic! for technology that in some cases is over a quarter century old. Not that today's technology is any better, or worse, it's just different.

Lucky for us, in some cases what other services throw away, we can recommission. One of the most over looked resources today is the common wireless device, yes routers, or add on cards. It can be somewhat hardware dependent, but the used market looks pretty good too.

Lets face it, a lot of communications systems today leverage the use of the Internet Protocols. We reaped the benefits before the Internet became fashionable, and even more so today. However the real concern is what happens when the Internet is knocked out.

What would you do? Send us your comments, and ideas with an email to info at aa3rg dot org.

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